These are a collection of essays written by Emil Hjort on the nature of conservation and the problematic conditions modern society creates for itself. These essays should serve only as inspiration. They do not in any way brag about being the solution to the complex problems that humanity in contemporary society faces.
A New Dawn is Upon Us
But first we must live through the night...
There is not a chance that this civilization will ever become sustainable (i.e. achieve stability), and our technology cannot take us to another planet. With no new planet in sight or a way of making society sustainable, the only real future that we have is one of gradual collapse.
This means we have to learn to exist on a planet which can no longer carry the burden of a civilization based on growth.
That means that humanity will be forced to weather out this storms that comes at such, meaning that we will have to endure with what we have left, and to build societies which are not based on infinite growth. Ultimately humanity will be forced to find new planets that we can settle on.
Nature is hardy. If we leave it alone, it will come back to us again. Some ressources such as oil will be depleted, because it is a finite ressource. At the speed at which we consume it presently, that won't take long. This means we have to look for alternative means of fueling society. Society needs fuel, or it will outright collapse, leaving us no hope.
A complete 'back to the Stone Age' scenario cannot be done and it would at any rate be undesirable. Civilization, organization, technology and science are not as such our enemies. In the wrong hands, these tools can be misapdapted and used to achieve inferior and evil goals such as strife and war, and for oppressing people. If we should remake society, we should unravel all of the basic assumptions that goes into our current ideological thinking.
Civilization and technology is a good. Take for example modern medicin. It can extend human life, cure diseases, and ease any pains and problematic conditions we might have.
The loss of God and spirituality
The logic of Consumerism has made genuine and authentic religion impossible. Religion is more than going to church .... Religion is a thought-system that alters everthing that we do.... It is best summed up in the sanskrit word 'Dharma'. It is inherently anti-Hedonistic and therefore in total conflict with the modern Consumer ideal.
A spiritual society which embrace technology
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This is an example of italic text
This is an unordered list:
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This is an ordered list:
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images can be placed on the left, in the center or on the right:
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Tables should be used to display data and not used for laying out your website:
Item | Description |
Item 1 | Description of Item 1 |
Item 2 | Description of Item 2 |
Item 3 | Description of Item 3 |
Item 4 | Description of Item 4 |